The Roots of the Ivy and Other Stories of Middle-Earth

Aranel Took's LOTR Fanfiction

The Roots of the Ivy and Other Stories of Middle-Earth: Aranel Took's LOTR Fanfiction
Aranel Took's LOTR Fanfiction
Chapters: 1  •  Words: 100  •  Rating: General
Group: Ivyverse
Father & Son

Pippin adjusted the parasol that Pearl had loaned him, making sure the shadow fell completely over Fari. The little boy looked up at him and grinned. “No more sun!” he declared.

“No, no more sun,” Pippin said. He lay down next to the toddler on the blanket. “What story shall we have today, Fari-lad?” he asked. “Mythical beasts? Or one of Bilbo’s adventures?”

Fari clapped his hands. “Butterfly!” He pushed himself up and toddled over to the flowerbeds to follow the fluttery purple creature.

Pippin laughed and rolled onto his stomach to watch Fari. That was much better than stories.

This site contains fan works, created for fun and out of love of the characters and world created by JRR Tolkien. No profit is being made.

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