The Roots of the Ivy and Other Stories of Middle-Earth

Aranel Took's LOTR Fanfiction

The Roots of the Ivy and Other Stories of Middle-Earth: Aranel Took's LOTR Fanfiction
Aranel Took's LOTR Fanfiction
Chapters: 1  •  Words: 100  •  Rating: General
There and Back Again

He had never expected to see The Shire again. He had always thought, when making his last trip to Rivendell following his birthday, that the journey would be his last and he would be laid to rest in the valley of Imlardris. But then Elrond had offered his wondrous gift and here he was, gazing once more upon familiar green hills.

"There and back again," he mumbled to himself. Gandalf cocked an eyebrow at him, but Bilbo ignored it, wanting to soak in this last look of his beloved home. There wouldn't be any 'back again' from this final journey.

This site contains fan works, created for fun and out of love of the characters and world created by JRR Tolkien. No profit is being made.

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